Strategic Objectives

Based on the vision of the college and its mission, a more specific and clear picture can be presented that reflects the future goals of the College. The College of Education aims to achieve the following strategic objectives:
1. To prepare scientifically qualified teachers who believe in their mission and hold their profession capable of creativity, excellence and competition through high quality programs in all disciplines.

Oh Dave why

Oh Dave why

The college is working to achieve the following objectives:


Preparation of the general secondary campaign, graduates of various colleges and faculties of the teaching profession.
Raising the professional and scientific level in the field of education.
Preparation of specialists in various educational areas.
To contribute to the development of educational thinking by disseminating modern educational trends.
Exchange of experiences and information with Egyptian, Arab and international educational and cultural bodies and institutions, and cooperation with them in addressing common educational issues.
Provide technical advice in various areas of specialization.
Solving educational and educational problems in the local environment and in society at large, as well as developing educational work.
Conducting research and studies in the various fields of pedagogical specialization in the faculty.


Top Ten

Faten Farouk Abdelfattah Mos

First in field (الأنتظام فى العمل)


First in field (Scientific)


First in field (akhla2i)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي