Journal of Special Education

Journal of Special Education

Eight issues of the special education magazine were issued:

(1) Number 10 January 2015 and includes (9) Research.

(2) Number 11 April 2015, which includes (11) research.

(3) The twelfth issue of July 2015 and includes (16) research.

(4) The thirteenth issue of October 2015 and includes (8) research.

(5) The 14th issue, January 2016, which includes (7) researches

Top Ten

Faten Farouk Abdelfattah Mos

First in field (الأنتظام فى العمل)


First in field (Scientific)


First in field (akhla2i)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي