How to enroll yourself in college activity

first: Must

Test your ability to coordinate your studies and activities

Second, you should go to the activity you want to participate in

Youth care management activities

Dear Student, we can show you the special activities sponsored by the youth and how you can exercise in a way that allows you to own your talents or hobbies of self-development.
The youth welfare system is a device that works on the base of student service in all areas and all circumstances and is working to achieve the goal of serving students
During the student activities also helps to achieve the goal of the educational process and is working on linking the student community in which he lives and through the student union under
Management professors charity and the Union of the following committees composed:

Top Ten

Faten Farouk Abdelfattah Mos

First in field (الأنتظام فى العمل)


First in field (Scientific)


First in field (akhla2i)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي