the college message

Faculty of Education Zagazig University is a governmental educational educational institution. Its mission is to: Prepare and train competent and competent teachers who are faithful to their mission and who are skilled in their profession, capable of creativity, excellence, competition and keeping abreast of modern developments. In addition to preparing serious researchers distinguished; able to produce and develop a strong educational knowledge to help solve educational problems and the development of all educational institutions. In addition to


the letter

The College seeks to create an organizational environment that supports the leading numbers of teachers and researchers with academic, professional and technical capabilities to produce educational knowledge and apply them in creative ways and means by optimizing the programs of study, training courses and all activities and university activities in light of the academic standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. Optimizing community partnerships in line with the contents of the University's Strategic Plan.

Top Ten

Faten Farouk Abdelfattah Mos

First in field (الأنتظام فى العمل)


First in field (Scientific)


First in field (akhla2i)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي