Missions, scholarships and field of work:

Missions, scholarships and field of work:
* Missions of all types: (external - joint supervision - internal)
* Scholarship of both types: (personal - provided to the State of foreign countries)
* Scientific missions provided by missions.
* Follow-up of members of scholarships and leave until completion and receipt of work.
Exchange and cultural activity and field of work:
(Training course) - Training course - Training course -
Bilateral agreements, executive programs, international cooperation.
Visiting professors
Training and Training.
Information of the Modern

Cultural relations

Cultural relations in the Faculty of Education work through cultural relations at the University

The General Administration of Scientific and Cultural Relations at Zagazig University has the honor to present this site to the members of the faculty, their assistants, graduate students and young researchers in order to facilitate access to all the postgraduate students as well as members of the faculty of the university from information about candidates for scholarships, And other matters of internal and external cultural cooperation. The site offers an exposition of the regulations of graduate studies and cultural relations

http://www.zu.edu.eg/CultureAffairs.aspx?MID=17# Wallock for more information through the university website



Top Ten

Faten Farouk Abdelfattah Mos

First in field (الأنتظام فى العمل)


First in field (Scientific)


First in field (akhla2i)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي